Attendance Policy

Starting March 4, 2024 we are following the attendance and late policy as set out below. All the students were brought together for an assembly to advise them as well.
Frequent Lateness
When a student chooses to be late to a class three (3) times, the teacher of that class will have a one-on-one conference with the student. If the problem persists, the teacher will call the parent or guardian of the student. Teachers will keep a record of any communication with parents, guardians, or students. If the problem persists further, administration shall be notified. Consequences will be multiplied for repeated tardiness after this point.
1. If a student accumulates four (4) lates in a given class, the teacher will inform administration and a meeting between administration and the student will take place. Consequences will be assigned, the first being time in mandatory lunchtime study hall. Parents will be emailed informing them of the students required study hall participation.
2. Each time a student accumulates another late, further mandatory study hall will be assigned, with the time progressively increasing for each offense. Parents will be emailed each time.
3. If a student accumulates ten (10) lates, a letter will be sent home and the student and parent/guardian will be required to meet with a school official to discuss the adverse effects of the student’s tardiness and create a plan to rectify the problem which could include a more serious consequences (e.g in-school suspension or out of school suspension).
There are instances when students are late from previous classes due to no fault of their own. Reasons could include: receiving extra help, finishing an assessment, or some other requirement of the teacher. In such cases, the student should provide a note from the teacher they were with, excusing them for their tardiness. Upon receipt of a note, the receiving teacher will correct the attendance record in Edsby.
Truancy/Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences will follow a similar protocol as tardiness. If a student has missed three (3) classes, the teacher will have a one-on-one conference with the student and will contact the parent/guardian. Teachers will keep a record of any communication with parents or students. If the problem persists, the following will occur:
1. If a student chooses to accumulate four (4) unexcused absences, a letter of notification will be sent home to parents/guardians along with a copy of the attendance policy. The student will meet with an administrator to provide an explanation and an action plan will be created. Study hall consequences will be assigned. (Note: Study hall times will likely be significantly higher for absences than for lates.)
2. Each time a student accumulates another unexcused absence, further mandatory study hall will be assigned, with the time progressively increasing for each offense. Parents will be emailed each time.
3. If a student chooses to accumulate ten (10) unexcused absences, the student and parent/guardian will meet with an administrator to reiterate the adverse effects of the student’s absences and create a plan to rectify the problem. The plan may include a consequence (e.g in-school suspension or out of school suspension). Each additional absence after ten (10) may increase the level of consequence for the student.
4. If a student is not impacted by the previous interventions and continues chooses to accumulate sixteen (16) absences, a number that represents almost 30% of total class time for option courses, the student and their parent/guardian will be required to participate in a school conference at which time a discussion may take place concerning a more suitable educational setting for the student.
If anyone has any questions about the information please reach out to the school at (403)485-2223.